Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ode to Ken the Slob, At Atherton library

Ken the slob, a bully so loud & proud
At Atherton library, he'd push thru the crowd
Scowling & sneering, filled with spite
Mistreated folks with all his might

Books he'd toss & papers he'd tear
His manners Gone, & kindness rare
He mocked & jeered, no soul was spared
A hater's heart, dark & bared

But one day came a quiet foe
A gentle patron, wise & slow
With steady gaze & words precise
She met his wrath with calm advice

"Ken," she said, "your time is done
You've had your fun, but now you run
For every insult & every sneer
Karma's creeping, drawing near"

Ken stood up,  but not for long
Her steady gaze too fierce & strong
His bluster broke & courage fled
HE SLUNK AWAY, his face turned red

Out the door, tail tucked tight
Ken vanished fast into the night
No more a bully, no more a king
He left in shame, NEVER seen again 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

correction Re: Review of O'Reilly's at 813 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

this is a mostly male Latino operated franchise, and they are definitely NOT the most helpful boss dudes. I hadn't been here for a few years; then I was in the area & needed a few things quickly. First time in I bought the stuff I needed, no problem. The Latino clerk with long hair didn't say thanks or anything, but at least he did his job.

So I went out to my car and fixed a few things; then I wanted to do a CEL scan (Check Engine Light) so I went back in. THere was one guy behind the counter. Sometimes waiting can take a long time. I noticed another Latino employee in an aisle and asked him if he could get the Scanner for me.

 He refused and said "He can help you" (pointing to the guy behind the counter). So I waited, and finally got up to the counter and politely asked the fellow for the scanner. He responded "I'll be out there in a minute" . He'll be out there ? I can do it myself. I had my driver's license in hand as well in case he wanted it (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; it's never predictable).

But I said okay and told him where I was parked. I thought he was being sincere & legitimate, and would come out in a few minutes. I waited, and waited, still waiting. He never came out. It wasn't accidental.

I have never done anything bad here. It was pure prejudice as best as I can tell. I'm sorry I can't change my skin color . THe only problem is that it is actually ILLEGAL to refuse service based on skin color.

"The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race."

This place needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. The only problem is that they probably have no choice other than to take what they can get. Nonetheless, I will file a complaint and hope for some changes.


Review of O'Reilly's at 813 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

this is a mostly male Latino operated franchise, and they are definitely NOT the most helpful boss dudes. I hadn't been here for a few years; then I was in the area & needed a few things quickly. First time in I bought the stuff I needed, no problem. The Latino clerk with long hair didn't say thanks or anything, but at least he did his job.

 So I went out to my car and fixed a few things; then I wanted to do a CEL scan (Check Engine Light) so I went back in. THere was one guy behind the counter. Sometimes waiting can take a long time. I noticed another Latino employee in an aisle and asked him if he could get the Scanner for me. He refused and said "He can help you" (pointing to the guy behind the counter). 

So I waited, and finally got up to the counter and politely asked the fellow for the scanner. He responded "I'll be out there in a minute" . He'll be out there ? I can do it myself. I had my driver's license in hand as well in case he wanted it (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; it's never predictable). 

But I said okay and told him where I was parked. I thought he was being left, and would come out in a few minutes. I waited, and waited, still waiting. He never came out. It wasn't accidental.

I have never done anything bad here. It was pure prejudice as best as I can tell. I'm sorry I can't change my skin color . THe only problem is that it is actually ILLEGAL to refuse service based on skin color. "The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race." 

This place needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. The only problem is that they probably have no choice other than to take what they can get. Nonetheless, I will file a complaint and hope for some changes. 


Friday, September 27, 2024

Check out this review of Stanford University on Google Maps 

In general I'd give 5 stars but I give it 3 stars because of what happened today and it's just one individual that caused it so it's not a reflection on Stanford itself. Although she was probably a student. 

So I'm at Encina Hall 123 which is a place where they have frequent lectures. I came in a few minutes late so everybody's already seated and I set my laptop and jacket on top of the table by the door assuming it's very safe and sound right there. 

There's one seat open which I find. And I listen to the lecture, & a few minutes later a gal comes in, and of all places she DECIDES TO TRY TO SIT ON THE TABLE. And the table is strange because it tips intentionally for some reason so any kind of weight on the edge of it will cause it to basically flip to the side. 

And lo & behold as she puts her butt on the table there goes my laptop and jacket sliding down the table to the floor with a big thump 👎😦. 

She didn't seem to even try to catch it. Nor did she even try to pick it up. I couldn't believe it. So I have to scoot past everybody again to get back over there and pick it up HOPING AGAINST HOPE that it's not broken. 

Dropping laptops on the ground is not exactly good for them. Fortunately it was in the case. And maybe my jacket acted as a cushion and landed on it. And she didn't even say sorry when I went over there. 

Now I'm sitting through the rest of the lecture anxiously wondering if this thing is going to start again & work properly . So the first thing I do is find an empty room after the lecture and start it up and MIRACULOUSLY everything still worked. Thank God, literally 👆.

 Needless to say, this was a
 so-called smart Stanford student which could have been made a little less upsetting if she had been conscientious about trying to pick it up and making the effort to apologize. But it didn't happen. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

i was wondering what happ'd to Jim V- Bosch one of my English profs. Apparently he's not happy with the CRC anymore

The churches – Calvin Church, Grace Church, and Church of the Servant (COS) – join Sherman Street Church in leaving the CRC. 

i was wondering what happ'd to Jim V- Bosch one of my English profs who I really appreciated ( I still remember "Anonymous Bosch" in the Chimes).  Apparently he's not happy with the CRC anymore after Synod 2024 ( btw, i was there! not as a CRC delegate, but just an interested individual who grew up in the CRC & GR, mostly).  I  sensed he wasn't a far -right conservative (neither am I) but I thought he was a moderate with some theological convictions about the danger of too much "compromise".  I personally agree with the CRC decision because I feel the church must have a minimum set of standards before it becomes meaningless.

 It's sad to see these CRC churches deciding to leave the denomination. I pray for the Lord to convict their hearts and turn them in the right direction! Hear our prayer Lord. 

"If you're not in agreement, you've got a year to change your mind. And then after that time, you are going to be forced to leave the denomination," said James Vanden Bosch, professor emeritus of English and a member of Calvin Church's disaffiliation committee. "We'd rather do it on our own terms and our own schedule."

I attended three of the four churches above periodically during college. I remember when COS was starting out in the gym at Seymour School. I remember Jack Roeda. He was a great pastor & seemed to like me  (until he was told some false & blasphemous rumors about me spread by some of my so-called "friends" who I didn't realize were so far left; and actually despised me for being moderate, if not conservative at the time. They set a "honey pot" trap to try to bring me down; and when it failed they spread false rumors anyways. I wasn't savvy enough at the time to realize what they were doing. Shame shame shame on them). 

 And I remember Mark Vermaire preaching at Sherman (one time he played the song "What if God was one of us; just a slob like some of us" (by Alanis Morrisette) as a sermon illustration.  I also remember the pastor from Grace during the 80's when the Diekemas attended there, and then Jack Kooreman took over (he was in my Greek class at RBC). And my parents were married at Calvin CRC, a short walk from my mother's EGR childhood home. 

We pray for you to reconsider before you make a decision that will probably never be reversed. It's forever. Talk to God on your knees. 

re Auto Zone on San Pablo, Berkeley CA

Thanks to the Auto Zone crew at this location for all your help. I know his name is not Isaac but that's what I thought it was- anyways he helped remove my battery from a tricky spot, and the other fellow helped put it back in. All the while I thought I lost my phone somewhere during the wait; only to discover it had fallen down into the engine! Glad I found it before I drove away. It sat in there while I let the engine idle for about 10 minutes getting very hot; but still worked. Praise the Lord! It was not "in my sheets" which Isaac suggested to check; but didn't make sense to me. The "sheets"? THen I realized he must have come out to talk to me when I had walked to McDonalds and he must have seen all the stuff in my car - and made an assumption. I don't blame him, but the truth is I am moving across country- back east (not permanently; working on another degree) ! I put as much stuff as I could in my vehicle, and shipped the rest. I know it looks like a mess and people make assumptions. I was just passing thru Berkeley when I had a few issues and decided to be on the safe side by getting the battery charged. Anyways, that's the back story, to help you understand. Also thanks to the manager- she was also very nice and helpful. God bless you all

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Re St Ignatius Church, San Francisco 

I am wondering if they should discontinue asking the people "What else should we pray for?" at daily Mass given it seems like the radical lefties have discovered it's their opportunity to POLITICIZE to everybody. For example, recently a guy said "Pray for the Haitians to not be persecuted" .

 This is shortly after the national media controversy about Haitian immigrants allegedly eating people's pets in a small town in Ohio ( as well as local ducks & Canadian geese) . The lefties want to say this is a myth but it doesn't take much research to find out there's some actual truth to it. 

For a lefty parishioner to make this into a prayer request is political propaganda. What about the people who are losing their pets? And seeing their way of life being degraded by excessive uncontrolled immigration not out of actual concern for immigrants but with hopes of skewing the election⁉️

 Furthermore, in general the Bible promotes obeying the laws & local authority & we should be helping the Haitians become properly integrated into American society by learning American customs & laws, not by excusing their irregular behavior & marginalizing the people who live here. Shame on this parishioner for using prayer time for his lefty political agenda. 👎☹️

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

live update: Kamala is doing almost AS BAD as Joe did at the last debate versus Trump

live update: Kamala is doing almost AS BAD as Joe did at the last debate versus Trump. It is very pathetic & sad. She is unable to defend herself with solid policies and plans. I don't see how she can continue after this. But who else do they got? They have no other choice at this point. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Re Corpus Christi monastery 

The heavyweight has a new tactic: he comes in at the very last moment. But I still leave when he comes in. There's something UNNATURAL about him. Something OFF. I would actually like to see a rule made that people CAN'T attend Mass every single day. Because for some HABITUAL ATTENDEES it's no longer a HEART ❤️ habit. it's a ritual : nothing is changing in the person.

 They're just GOING THRU THE MOTIONS and the mass lacks meaning (for them) (& drives some others away, like me). It's too legalistic which is a major turnoff to me. I come to mass for a genuine authentic experience, not a ritual. Nor a perfect attendance certificate. 
It's good but there's one "heavyweight" wearing a full suit (the same suit) and always arrives late and never takes the Eucharist/host/communion. He clearly has an agenda but is it in accord with the communion and body of Christ⁉️How long do you give a perpetual visitor/observer to "come around" ⁉️Is he trying to dominate us? Assert superiority?

 I'm wondering if he comes from a different religion and is just using the monastery for self -serving purposes? Anyways, when he comes in, I go out. I'll be back in a year to see if he's still doing his daily ritual at the monastery.

And there's nothing anybody can do: he's perfect, at least on the outside. makes no noise, seems to be kneeling in prayer etc. But what about inside? What will Jesus say ⁉️ what about Pride ? What about Evangelism outside the church walls? What about legalistic Ritualism ? What about a " White Washed Wall" ?

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Balboa branch library, Newport Beach ⛱️ 

I don't like it when employees act as if they're the hosts and we're the guests. Those of us who live here are taxpayers and so we are PARTIAL CO-OWNERS of the library. And if the library receives Federal funding which it probably does then even people from out-of-state are partial co-owners. But more important than where the money is coming from is a sense of care and concern for the library. Which I have a LOT of. I want to see the library stay in NICE condition and keep a good environment.

 Those who care about, & use the library most, have the greatest investment. Employees are good but some are just doing it for easy money. Let's face it. It's not a difficult job sitting behind the desk all day.

 Those employees who TRULY CARE about the library and the patrons are more invested in the library as well. We are co-owners together. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

re Firestone Complete Auto Care, Tustin Ave, Santa Ana CA

Firestone Complete Auto Care on Google Maps

i just don't like it that they call me "boss" on the paper that tells the mechanic what is the issue that the "customer" is concerned about. I am a customer or client or patron, not "the boss" and not your boss. I don't pretend to be the boss or the authority etc. In my experience, calling a person "boss" is a little bit snarky. Please don't keep doing it. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

there was a guy named Bob

Bob Devries, oh what a sight to behold,
A man with a story, both brash and bold.
With a wink and a smile, he'd take the stage,
Loving the spotlight, the center, the rage.

Narcissism's charm was his favorite delight,
He'd bask in the glory, from morning to night.
Like a ham in the limelight, he thrived on the cheers,
Yet his antics to embarrass brought mostly sneers.

The success he achieved, well, that's quite a tale,
It came from his name, not from hard work or scale.
His father's science legacy, 
Gave Bob all the fame, but not a true friend.

In Grand Rapids he stayed, a homegrown delight,
Never venturing far, never soaring to heights.
He knew his own town like the back of his hand,
But the world's greater lessons he'd never quite understand.

He was kind of a homeboy, with comfort so dear,
Yet the world passed him by, year after year.
So much to discover, so much to explore,
But Bob never ventured outside his own door.

He quit far too early, left much still undone,
His potential was vast, but he never did run.
The lessons of life were left to the breeze,
For Bob Devries missed out, on much that he could seize.

So here's to Bob Devries, a tale so entwined,
A character of charm, but with much left behind.
A life lived in shadows, in the comfort of home,
With a name and a legacy, but a heart still unknown.

there was a guy named Jack Holwerda

Jack Holwerda, a character quite rare,
With a dash of vanity and a bit of flair.
He lived in a world where he ruled the day,
Though often his actions led him astray.

In the mirror, he'd spend hours so fine,
Admiring his image, making sure he'd shine.
His pride was as large as a mountain so tall,
But his courage was tiny, he'd never play ball.

He feared the competition, it made him quite ill,
Never touched a sport, never climbed that hill.
While others ran races or threw a great pass,
Jack stayed in his room, polished his glass.

A clean freak by nature, his home was pristine,
Every corner was spotless, every surface was seen.
But behind the façade of his meticulous way,
He had a few secrets that led him astray.

Steelcase trucks were his next great affair,
He tried driving them, but did so with care.
The engines roared loudly, the wheels turned with might,
But Jack's driving skills failed him, try as he might.

When it came to his neighbors, oh what a delight,
He'd sneak and he'd borrow things out of sight.
Sometimes he'd take what didn't belong,
A curious habit, but it felt so wrong.

Yet despite all his flaws and his moments of shame,
Jack Holwerda's life was never quite lame.
He'd laugh and he'd stumble through missteps and more,
A peculiar character, with stories galore.

So here's to Jack Holwerda, in his quirky old way,
A mix of the funny, the bold, and the grey.
Though flawed and imperfect, with traits so unique,
He's a fictional fellow whose life's far from bleak.

8/14/24 my complaint re patron at NBPL (newport beach main library)

on 8.13.24 I found a nice spot (or so I thought) in the southeast corner of the library (2nd floor) as the library was opening for the day. I only use the library for a few months a year &  I hadn't sat in this section for a while and realized how nice the light was coming thru the windows. Nobody else was there yet (or so I thought), but I noticed a few articles of clothing scattered around the area. I thought somebody must have forgotten them and they weren't picked up by the staff for some reason (turns out this guy scatters his stuff around apparently to try to keep people away. So he had done this already in the first few minutes of the library opening.

I began my work on my laptop (ongoing project) and a little while later a guy came in singing. He set a bunch of bags down in one chair (#1)and then he went to a different carrel (#2) nearby in my line of sight. A few moments later he popped up and moved over to a carrel (#3) at the end of the row where he had some more "stuff". A few minutes later I noticed there was a shirt behind the curtain next to me hanging over one of those portable round laptop "desks";  apparently with the intention of being dried by the sun, like a clothes line.

I didn't know this was also the fellow's stuff (but it turned out to be, #4). The guy returned to carrel #2 and then bounced up to discard a banana peel. Back to #2 he sat for a few seconds, then let out a LOUD BURP without apology. I finally said something: "YOUR BEHAVIOR IS INAPPROPRIATE. I will report you if this continues. This is NOT your living room".

He totally ignored me as if he couldn't hear me. But I know he could hear me. I knew he wasn't deaf because he also periodically was talking on his phone. A few moments later he BURPED LOUDLY again ( other patrons heard it as well, looking over towards him). So this time I walked over to the desk and talked to Chris about it. Chris said they are aware of this fellow and said he is "mentally ill" but that they "must personally observe the inappropriate behavior" themselves in order to take action.

He said they would do a "walk by" in a few moments. And he DID walk by and noticed the scattered stuff all over the area and gently told the fellow that he needs to keep it all together in once place. The fellow obeyed the instructions without a response, putting all his stuff together by his #2 spot.

Chris left and I resumed working on my laptop. The fellow talked on the phone again, sounding as if he was able to function NORMALLY in that regard. I don't think he's mentally ill as much as he is simply self-centered and could CARE LESS about other people. I don't think this is a matter of having compassion for a mentally ill person as much as it is about a person willfully defying socially acceptable behavior & normal etiquette. Anyways, since the library is not a psychiatric hospital, we're not here to take care of him and bend backwards to allow inappropriate disruptive behavior that is driving people out of this area.

Nonetheless, I left the area for the time being: I try to get outside for exercise every day around this time.  Later when I returned I chose a different area; but did make an effort to to see if he was still there and YES he was- and his "stuff" was spread out again. And as I was leaving at the end of the day I intentionally walked by again and he had a ton of food items all over the place.

 One day later 8/14/24 around opening time I thought about sitting in the "nice light" area again but there he was already - all set up- and all his belongings spread out again. Chris was back behind the desk . I get the feeling he doesn't like doing rule enforcement and didn't approach him. He will do it if asked, but who wants to be the one who asks for rule enforcement every day. Then I will become the "bad guy".

 But  I shouldn't  feel forced to find a different area of the library just because of one selfish jerk. By the way, this same guy smirked at me later in the day as he walked by, as if he had "won". I don't think he's low IQ mentally ill. I think he's just a selfish dude who doesn't care about others.  He also drives a car ( I noticed him in the parking structure on one occasion) so he apparently is able to function normally in this regard (pass a driver's license test, drive without getting tickets, accidents etc).

Based on my conversation with Chris yesterday (that they are "aware" of him as it seems to be an ongoing long-term issue) I get the feeling that they are just allowing him to do his thing unless there's a complaint. I don't want to be the guy who complains every day. I just want normal rule enforcement- nothing extreme. I'm not so uptight that I come and complain about every little thing but this seems like a chronic problem that will continue to get worse as this guy has a GIGANTIC SENSE  sense of ENTITLEMENT to this area of the library, at the EXPENSE of OTHERS. I hope library administration will take note of this. It's NOT fair to everybody else. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Watch "Y U will get a $75 parking ticket on Friday in Bellflower CA even tho it says "no parking Sat or Sun" on YouTube


Y U will get a $75 parking ticket on Friday in Bellflower CA even tho it says "no parking Sat or Sun

Why you will get a $75 parking ticket on Friday in Bellflower CA even tho it says "no parking Sat or Sun" . very deceptive ... I originally gave them the benefit of the doubt that this was just INEPTITUDE that they enacted two different no parking ordinances at different times and didn't bother to check the discrepancy between the signs and how it could be misleading to people who weren't from the area .( the locals of course figure it out pretty quickly because word of mouth and/ or they just always park in the parking lot). but I'm not really a local ( I just have relatives who live in the area) and I just drove up one day and turned around in the church parking lot to park on the street and of course I wouldn't see the "no parking on Friday" down at the other end of the street. I only saw the "no parking on Saturday or Sunday." but since it was a Friday no worries. 30 minutes later I come out of the church and I have a $75.00 parking ticket. and yes I appealed it. I took the time to do everything in writing and documented it with pictures & even made a video, a separate video from this one. and provided a link to the person who was reading my appeal. but it was quickly obvious that whoever was doing the appeal processing just rubber stamped it with a big NO. might as well be a big FU . Furthermore, the appeal doesn't even go to the city of bellflower. you you send it to an office in Tustin, which is a city in a different county from Los Angeles county. it's the neighboring Orange county. all the while you NEVER see any names of any judges or commissioners nor even the name of the person who wrote The ticket . it's all totally anonymous. so that there's no accountability. you also notice that they happen to drive by EXACTLY DURING MASS or right as its ending AS IF THEY WERE HOPING for some sucker to be parked on the street. 
 I wasn't waiting around to see this street cleaner with the parking ticket person behind them. my ticket was almost a year ago. I just happened to be back from Mass today and then I saw them as I was leaving around 830 and of course all the memories came flooding back into my mind.

I even sent a separate letter to the commissioners at bellflower. Therefore it can no longer be said this is ineptitude.. it's  DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE at best, or intentional corruption at worst :
 a no-parking trap, similar to setting up a speed radar at the bottom of a hill. 

 I pray an imprecatory prayer against these people in bellflower who are committing this parking corruption. let God do the Justice in the end. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Re CIA experience

My only personal interaction experience with the CIA is one time I was in Washington DC I drove into their long driveway entrance because I heard they had a museum .. 

...suddenly me & my golden retriever in my station wagon were surrounded by guards & treated like a potential terrorist, & received a ticket, forcing me to make arrangements to return to DC for a court hearing until my congressman got the case dismissed. 

Also the  freakin excessive -aggressive dude with no discernment abilities who gave me the ticket got fired 👍. And yes, they do have a museum, but apparently it's only for employees. 👎

Thursday, August 1, 2024

re Ray's Auto Repair on Lomita Ave in Harbor City CA 

After returning from a cross-country trip to the East Coast and back I decided my car needed new struts & shocks. Especially in the East Coast with all the bumpy roads there it was banging like crazy. Not so bad out here in the west coast where the roads don't get as bumpy and potholed ( because we don't have the cold weather,) but I still wanted to do new struts for preventive maintenance. 

So I checked around different places to see how much they would charge me just for labor and Ray came out with a VERY LOW OFFER of $240. I wasn't going to argue with that, so after receiving the struts via eBay I brought them to Ray, and he did them very quickly. He knows all the expert shortcuts. 

However, I wonder if he has a memory issue or if this was just something he decided to circumvent. Cuz when I went to pay, the price was now $340. Even at $340 that would still be the lowest price offer. I was actually planning on giving him a nice tip but since he jacked it up $100 I decided to pay that price without arguing. 

I also asked him to let me know if he saw anything underneath that I should be concerned about. He didn't have any suggestions after the job was done and after taking it for a test drive.

 It was actually Ray's grandson who gave me a subtle tip about changing my tires. The grandson must have noticed my two tires on the passenger side were getting bad. I had not noticed it because the wear and tear was on the inside that you wouldn't see unless you got underneath a little bit.

 I had noticed the weird wonkiness and vibrations & wasn't sure what that was all about. The new struts and shocks helped it a little bit, but it was still vibrating & getting worse. So after leaving there a few days later I had other things checked out elsewhere and then I noticed how bad the two tires were. I appreciate the grandson's advice.

 But why didn't Ray give me a STRAIGHT HEADS-UP about that ? He must have felt it when he took a test drive as well. When I saw the tires especially after they had been taken off, anybody would know these were REALLY BAD. And since he was underneath, I would assume he would have noticed that, especially if the grandson had as well. 

I'm not too proud to admit I need all the help I can get when it comes to auto repair. I was never taught anything about it growing up, and I just keep learning little by little as I as I go. 

Otherwise, mostly good experiences with Ray 👍

Elizabeth Ann Seton church, Irvine CA 

Just thought maybe the administrator could ASK the ubiquitous Latinos with their gas-powered leaf blowers to do their incessant 🌿 blowing at ANY TIME on Any Weekday EXCEPT at the exact time people are arriving for mass ( & leaving) (ie 8-9 am). I tried to nicely ask the fellow and as soon as he realized what I was asking, he put his earbuds back in and ignored me as just another "intolerant el stupido gringo white guy."

Friday, July 26, 2024

Re Ibotta cash back app

Ibotta does a pretty good job about offering rebates on purchases, but sometimes they have snags when you purchase the same item, same purchase, even if the offer says "limit of 5" for example. 

More than once I've purchased 5 items that are supposed to give me $1 cash back each, with a 5 item limit per purchase. Yet Ibotta only automatically gives $2 cash back. You have to go thru the process of reporting "missing cash back" and sometimes scanning each items code.

 Or if this doesn't work then you have to contact Ibotta support by email and wait for them to do an in-person review.  Sometimes they will ask for a photo of something etc. usually you will get what was offered if it is all legit, but it's a little aggravating.

 Sometimes since it's only a few dollars you just give up. But everything on Ibotta is just a few dollars. I've made 100's of dollars on "just a few dollars" and appreciate ibotta.
I hope they can resolve this  "glitch".

Friday, July 19, 2024

Corona del Mar State Beach 

In a few more decades this beach and neighborhood will be considered 'GHETTO' ( the beach already is; the neighborhood not yet). It's getting there fast ... The nice neighbors put up with a lot of disrespect from people who travel here to use the beach but don't give a damn about those who live here. I hate to say it, because it'll hurt me as well, but they need to eventually start making it pay parking or restricted parking etc just to keep the people who don't give a damn about others, OUT 🚫. Almost all free beaches with free parking eventually get RUINED by those who only go to free beaches which is most of them in California unfortunately. It's one group in particular. You will find them at every FREE location. The east coast is already figured out how to stop this. Many of their beaches are "resident only" or high fee prohibitive parking. I was there this summer and I was upset about it because I'm not a resident, and thought how nice we have it in California that almost all our beaches are free. But then when I returned and immediately got insulted by some of these people who only go to free places ( not the first time) , I realized maybe it is BETTER the way they do it on the East Coast. 

Re the Ruination of Corona del Mar State Beach by a certain ethnic group 

I won't say any names, but there's a certain ethnicity that comes here in huge numbers and they do NOT have a lot of respect for other people. Their sole focus is on their OWN unit (ie family, familia) & getting what's best for THEMSELVES. 

 More than once, I've put my towel down & gone for a 30-minute swim & I've returned to find this ethnicity has set up their camp almost TOUCHING my towel. In essence, they make it so uncomfortable for you to stay there, it is now THEIR Beach area. SHAME ON YOU. I ask for God to punish you if He agrees. 

All the while, they PRETEND like they're just fun- loving innocent little people who didn't even think about your towel being there. 

In essence, your ONLY options are to 
1) get angry and yell at them and then their whole family will start yelling back at you & they'll get others from their same ethnicity to join in with them against you; 2) or to LEAVE. 

Another time, two young males of this ethnicity walked past me and one of them intentionally BURPED very loudly right near my face. Without apology. 

My ethnicity, in general, on the other hand, values personal space & respects other people's personal space. When we arrive at the beach if we see a towel laying there we don't set up our towels right next to them. We find another space. And my ethnicity doesn't try to offend people by burping in their face. 

I want to encourage this ethnicity to try to be better and do better and show respect for people, before it's too late. I've always been one of those who has rooted for immigrants, & try to support those who come here from other countries trying to make it. 

 But you DON'T MAKE IT EASY if you don't respect the people who are already here. If you DESPISE us so much, you really should go back to where you came from. Apparently that would make you happier and probably us happier as well. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

re the Famous Big Texan restaurant, Amarillo TX 

So I was driving by to take a few pics of the exterior just as some white guy & his wife are walking towards the entrance. Apparently they find it odd or suspicious of me (also a white guy) to be taking pics of a famous restaurant. So the guy leaves his wife by the door & walks back to his shiny red chariot (pickup truck)( that he will be paying monthly payments on until 2030, because it makes him feel like a big man) and moves it 50 feet from a shady spot to a hot sunny spot right next to the entrance because me taking pics of the restaurant from my vehicle may indicate I am a potential car thief . 😁😆😅😂🤣🤣. You're bad for America dude 👎. You're an effin loser no matter how big and shiny your pick-up truck may be.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Prayers for Xena near Augusta Maine 

This isn't really about Pizza Hut because they don't have any control over the issue I'm talking about:

 I accepted a delivery for a delivery service to take a pizza to a customer for $5.75 . I'm not even from this area so I was just visiting and as a delivery driver for this particular service, I'm able to accept delivery assignments wherever I am in the USA. Also it was pouring rain.

 So I pick up the pizza and then I find out the delivery address is 11 miles away so it will be a 22-mile round trip which is about a gallon of gas. Then, along the way I find out I have to pay a dollar toll.

 So now my profit is $4.75 minus $3.50 for a gallon of gas, equals $1.25, although I figure the customer will probably add a dollar or 2 tip. Upon arrival it's still pouring rain. The instructions are not perfect but luckily I find the right door on the first try in the apartment complex.

 The well-fed young lady comes to the door and I say to her "wow it was farther than I thought, plus I had to pay a toll." She grabs the pizza and says, "Have a good one" in a soulless monotone, & slams the door shut,  clearly not giving a damn about me as a person. Needless to say there was NO TIP. 

If you can't afford to give a delivery person a dollar tip (or are just too selfish) or at least show some sincere appreciation, you SHOULDN'T use delivery services. Just turn off the TV, get your lazy self up off the couch, and drive yourself to the restaurant or store. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

6.29.24 Re bad doordash customer in Gardiner Maine

6.29.24 Re bad doordash customer in Gardiner Maine 

So I was on a summer trip and I was in the state of Maine all the way from the West Coast, and I turned on doordashers to see if I could do any deliveries. And almost immediately I got a delivery for a pizza.  Total pay would be $5.75.

IN California, doordash would automatically be required to subsidize this BASED ON TIME AND DISTANCE, but in most other states whatever the initial pay shown is the end price, unless the customer adds a tip. I thought maybe there would be a tip later.

 So I accepted the order, and drove a few miles to pick up the pizza at Pizza Hut. Then I noticed I would be driving 11 miles to deliver this pizza -so far no indication there would be a tip. The other thing doordash has nefariously done is they changed it so that when they give you an initial delivery offer,  they DON'T tell you the mileage as they used to do.

 Otherwise I suppose too many people are turning down these deliveries because frankly they are  just not profitable, or even possibly losing money. 

So I start driving and then I realize I have to pay a dollar toll along the way. So now my profit is $4.75. Which about covers 22 miles of gas. I arrive at the apartment and tell the lady named Xena "it was farther than I thought,  plus toll ." 

And she said without any feeling or true care or affection whatsoever " have a good one ". She didn't even say thanks. She was cold as ice 👎😡. I will not keep dashing for very long because customers are getting more and more callous. It's not just the low pay.  It's lack of humanity and the lack of treating people with dignity.

 I can get by without making a few bucks here and there from doordash. Sure I like to cut some of my cost by doing this but I also thought it might be enjoyable, but really it's not. 

Too many customers are treating the process as transactional and the delivery person is just a robot in their mind that should be getting the item from A to B is fast as possible and in most cases they don't even want to see you or talk to you let alone tip you but at least some people still feel an obligation to give a tip. 

I mean really if you can't afford to give a decent tip you shouldn't even be using delivery services. Just get your lazy butt up and drive to the store or  restaurant and pick it up yourself. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

re panda 🐼 express at Stanford University

 The problem here is that when I pick up orders for delivery 🚚 some of the girls behind the counter are so GROUCHY 😡😨. Not all, but too many. I always try to be polite and patient and respectful, but some NEVER say thanks or smile. It's depressing. 

I think there are some who believe that they don't need to be nice to me because I am " just a delivery person". Truth is I do deliveries occasionally, maybe make $ 25 to $50 per week. It helps cover a few bills during these tough times. 

I'm also a graduate with 3 degrees . I've worked various menial jobs in my life & also as a professional and also stayed in school. Never quit school. Never dropped out as tempting as it was to do so. 

I've always lived by the philosophy to treat everybody nicely.🙂 Always try to. What I don't understand is why a person working behind the counter would treat me less kindly because I'm "just a delivery person"; which makes me ask how they think they should be treated if they're just a counter girl ? 

They don't believe they should be treated kindly and respectfully because they just work behind a counter ? Or do they think they're better than me because they work behind the food counter and I'm a delivery person? I never knew a food worker was superior to a delivery person.

 Whoever is the manager there maybe you can talk to the girls ( i didn't see any guys) and let them know that they should simply be kind and nice and a little bit of a smile to EVERYBODY to make this whole world 🌍a better place👍.

 Rather than pick & choose who to "act nice to" and who to treat with a blank state and no niceties 👎😡

(70's pic) One of these is a famous missionary today

Monday, May 20, 2024

re archaeology dept at Stanford 

They have one of the most regular weekly lunch speaker events which has it's pros & cons. The cons are that it becomes a clique after a while. There are regulars there who seem like they haven't missed a lunch in decades. 

And they keep track ( in their minds) of who's who. These regulars are not very impressive individuals. One in particular is a major slob. And it's not as if they are eminent scholars. They just happen to be in the same place at the same time every week for years on end . 

Even the speakers they bring in sometime are exceedingly boring & dull (which apparently is the way they like it). And they DON'T sincerely like "outsiders". The dept chair may give platitudes in his welcome but if they decide to not like you they make it known thru micro aggressions, including the "Stanford stare" or "evil eye" . 

One guy with a big beard on repeat occasions would turn & give me a prolonged stare as if to say "who are you ?" even though I'd been coming there for a while.

 It's unethical & simply despicable for them to open it to the public if they don't really want us there. Just open it up to your cronies. It's not as if I'm a total dummy just coming out of a tent on the street to get a free lunch.

 I do have two bachelors and a Masters from good institutions, but I'm not one of those who likes to compare degrees. I let my accomplishments speak for itself .

 My purpose for originally attending this weekly lunch was to try to learn something. I always try to pick up a new nugget of wisdom or insight to add to my knowledge base. 

But I felt uncomfortable after a while with some of the supercilious attitudes I encountered. So I stopped attending even though I'm usually on campus on Wednesdays. I don't have any desire to return. 

You can have your little ladies coffee hour all to yourself & engage in group think. Congratulations . And I thought this was an institution of higher learning. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

re Restrooms. 🚽👎😡 

Great for music but not for restrooms. With all the people coming on a regular basis, they need more or bigger ones. And it's probably a worse problem for men because there's always the random over-fed big belly schmuck who will literally sit on the can 🚽 shamelessly for 25 minutes or more . 

I don't like sitting next to others doing their business, so sometimes I'll wait for it to empty. This grubby scrub was still on the can after an entire first hall of a recital 🎵. 

Dudes, if you're one of these habitual toilet loungers, GET A LIFE. Do that at home, not in a public restroom 🚽😡👎👎👎 You Ladies are lucky. Most of you are too classy to act like these male grubbers 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

⭐ Watch ""100's of students, many carrying Israeli flags, marched 👍🇮🇱 @Stanford" on YouTube


"Hundreds of students, some carrying Israeli flags, marched a half-mile to White Memorial Plaza on the Palo Alto campus, where about 40 pro-Palestinian campers have been sleeping outside in tents. ..
Organizers from the L'chaim Club, a Jewish student organization, said that "students of many backgrounds" were invited to protest what they called a "movement on campus" that endorses terrorism.."

Condolences ✝️ 💜🙏"Bodies of Three Israeli Hostages Found in Rafah - Including Body of 28-Year-Old Amit Buskila Who Was Kidnapped at the Nova Youth Music Festival - Truly Barbaric "

Friday, May 17, 2024

Rumsey Map center, Stanford Green library review 

I went to a nice conference here... But during the coffee break when I went to get a cup of coffee ☕, a white lady who was also attending the conference stood directly in front of the coffee spigot and refused to move while talking to another person. 

Even after I nicely said "excuse me" she pretended not to hear me and wouldn't budge. She was literally bullying me. I've never experienced such a pig🐖- headed person. This was supposed  to be polite company but she was just a selfish SLOB 😡👎🐖🐖🐖

Otherwise, the experience here is usually positive.  ( Oh, there was also the guy sitting behind me with  a bad cold, who kept coughing 😷. Dude, if you're sick, just stay home. Don't punish the rest of us with your illness) 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

: It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day..

It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day when I was a student it was common at some Christian schools and even at Calvin College for insecure male  teachers or professors to needle students who threatened their insecure ego. 

These teachers would take cheap shots in subtle ways about a student's "manhood" or "masculinity". One way they  would do this was to raise their eyebrows and say "very creative "  in response to a thought you shared or something you wrote, etc. 

Sometimes they'd just do it one-to- one. Other times they'd do it in public, even in the classroom. It was definitely not appropriate for sure but they would get away with it back then as  part of their "bully pulpit." 

Because back then these self- proclaimed so-called "manly men" deemed "creativity " to be a non-masculine trait. 

Or in some cases if a professor couldn't  get away with doing something demeaning himself, he would encourage another student to do so. At Calvin College and Seminary if  they called you 'dude' that was also a little bit of a slur. 

For example, a professor might be speaking with one student and they might say about another student "oh, he's a dude," with an insinuating tone. And encourage that student to marginalize the other student as a dude.

 And this would also help take the light off of that professor who might be the actual less-than -virtuous person. It would especially help them if they could pit one student against another. 

One of the most egregious professors in this regard at Calvin Seminary was Roger Greenway (Bob DeVries may be second. Cal Van Reken was up there as well). They actually considered this unethical behavior as "gamemanship".  

Roger above all was highly threatened by my alpha male presence and more than once took some little unethical and inappropriate cheap shots at me such as the above. Or was intrusive. 

One time we had a banquet at the beginning of the year, and I had to go make a phone call. This was before cell phones, so I had to find a public phone. And we were at a public restaurant, not at the Seminary. So I stepped out for a few minutes.  IT was an important phone call that couldn't wait. When I came back he was demanding, " Where were you? Where'd you go?"  as if it was any of his business. I didn't even know him at that time.

I didn't even know his name. I didn't even know he was a professor. This was a banquet for new students, including professors and other staff as well. There were a lot of faces that I did not know at that time. I was not new to Calvin College; had already gotten my bachelor's degree there , but I was new to Calvin Seminary. 

He took an over- the- top special interest in everything about me which felt weird; even in this case taking special interest in why I was absent from the banquet for 5 or 10 minutes. 

What if I had been in the restroom with  diarrhea or something?  Is that his business as well ? This isn't like we're in elementary school or kindergarten where the teacher has to know everything about the kid like a parent. This is basically graduate school. 

Roger actually made the mistake of  continuing to take shots at me even after I had left  Calvin Seminary, and all the more stupidly, he did so in writing.  And once I find that letter that I still have somewhere, I will post it as evidence. 

But you see these low- level professors* would use the word "creative" & other similar enigmatic words  because it's ambiguous enough to use as "double speak." This way they are covering their tracks and they can  deny that they meant anything derogatory, if confronted by a complaint, or a  superior investigating their behavior. 

"Dude" passed as doublespeak in that regard as well because you could argue that it's an affectionate way of talking to a fellow person. 

Roger Greenway has passed away, so I won't go on and on... I won't go on any further,  but it's worth mentioning because there might be some professors still trying to get away with this this sort of bully behavior, and maybe some students can pick up a few tips from this information. Greenway was part of the reason that I decided to transfer to a different Seminary. 

 Don't allow professors to take advantage of you.  They have ethical responsibilities and obligations that come with their teaching position; and belittling students is a violation of those ethical standards. 

*Note: It's usually only a small amount of professors who need to use this kind of unethical "classroom control", (or even outside the classroom in some cases).  It's the professors who do NOT have real great command of their content, or don't have any real command at all. So they begin struggling for class control; feel insecure , and begin belittling students as a  way to silence them.

 Coincidentally,  both Roger Greenway and Bob DeVries may have been hired more for "legacy" reasons, or nepotism ( ie sons of professors or pastors)  rather than any real great academic command or proficiency.  I'm not sure about Cal Van Reken. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Brightview Landscaping at downtown Palo Alto Library needs to be fired 😡👎 

What's the freaking deal with Brightview Landscaping😡⁉️👎 at downtown Palo Alto Library . I pulled in one morning around 10:00 a.m. and they're doing their omnipresent ubiquitous leaf blowing thing, as they always freakin do, and then the chubby girl blowing the leaves not only does she try to blow a patch of dirt, unnecessarily kicking up dust -you can't blow dirt off dirt unless you're trying to dig a hole or something. Some things you just can't blow. You need to get out a rake or something.Use your muscles if you have any.  

But the main freakin problem was that she was aiming everything towards my vehicle and I'm sitting in the vehicle with Windows partially open. And she doesn't even stop despite apparently knowing that I'm in the vehicle. And all the dust and debris going all over my vehicle.

 So I finally get out of my freakin car and I say what's going on ? STOP. And she tries to say in broken English " I'm blowing I'm blowing" like she's an innocent Little Red Riding Hood or something. I know you're blowing, but you need to stop if you're getting it all over my car or any other car and if my windows are open all the more so! She pretends or maybe she actually can't speak any English. 

Doesn't Brightview do any training I mean it's not like this is brain surgery or rocket science to blow leaves but you have to have a LITTLE COMMON SENSE () not to blow the debris onto vehicles and cover their vehicles with debris (& care , not apathy; or Worse -getting stoned & then blowing leaves). 

Furthermore they blow this stuff over to the side by the fence and then THEY DON'T EVEN THEY DON'T EVEN SWEEP it up. And they don't even pick up the paper and trash that's on the side. 

They're very LAZY- all they seem willing to do is leaf blowing. I don't think this girl even had the dexterity to to bend over. It's lazy work really it really is lazy work leaf blowing & combined with apathy it's just a terrible operation.

Brightview 👎😡 needs to be fired and they need to get somebody new a new operation at the library or the city if the city is the contractor. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse & more CORRUPT , even on New Year's Day , See

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse &
         more CORRUPT, 
                    even on               New Year's Day 

Friday, March 8, 2024

x1000 Prayers for morbidly obese Olga at annual conference, e 3/8/24

Clicker: 1000

Sum: 1000 

Naboj icadooh

"Olga" (not real name) is seriously ill and needs our prayers before she dies of a heart attack due to morbid obesity. Please pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️🙏🙏🙏 for a gentle wakeup call for Olga . God please intervene! Hear our prayers 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke) I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K family .. we've been thru

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke)  I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K (Coke)  family .. we've been thru  so much together as an extended family. Can we not  we show love and kindness and benevolence towards one another ? Can we not be united in Christ as well as an extended family.? Your family has been thru a lot. We love you all. I am not sure how my communication was misinterpreted but it was all intended with love and respect for you and all the Coke family . I pray for reconciliation and peace. I receive kind and respectful dialogue with other family members. Is it only you (singular) that remains antagonistic towards me ? Bob, I love you (agape) in Christ and always will. None of your language or non-loving correspondence will change this to the end. God be with you. May you talk to Jesus Christ and ask for a spirit of reconciliation and kindness and peace in His name. Be filled with the love of the  Holy Spirit Bob. I claim not personal perfection in extending an olive branch . If we all had to be perfect persons before we could preach Christ, the pulpits would be empty. Hear my prayer for you (singular) as well as all of our extended family. 

In Christ Forever

Joy Lender 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

12/14/23 Can't recommend "24 roadside service" 👎😡in San Carlos CA (no physical address?) 

Re "24 roadside service"
San Carlos CA
no physical address?
The guy who did the jump start was ok.But the dispatch dude (who is also the owner named Rick) was a jerk to me on phone 👎😡. In addition to insulting me, he answers the phone without announcing who they are ( ie just says "hello" like you're calling a homeowner. So you have to first ask "is this roadside service?") . Needless to say, I asked my roadside to change to a different responder but it was too late. Never again.

Friday, December 8, 2023 

Sometimes I get requests to do a delivery to somebody in the dorm, like the Griffin recently which doesn't have a review button so I am putting the review here for the Griffin here. The amount for the delivery was very small and normally I would turn it down but I figured they'd probably add a tip. But they DIDN'T. If Stanford students in the dorms get a reputation of NOT TIPPING, don't expect people to accept deliveries with the cost of gas. I probably broke even on this job. None of us are required to accept deliveries it's TOTALLY OPTIONAL. And I don't think there's too many of us are so desperate that we need to take jobs that at we don't make money on. Oh, and don't make negative assumptions about who does deliveries. I am educated too. thank you very much. BA/BA/M.Div 

Memorial Church, Stanford 

12/8/23 I've been coming to Stanford Memorial Church ⛪ for many years now, & tonight I attended the sing-along Christian worship ("festival of lessons & carols") which I thought would include the Catholics &  be ecumenical, but it turned out to be mostly composed of  the group led by the black leader from the Sunday 11am progressive service,  which is fine (although I'm not progressive, but conservative). However I would have liked if it had included the Catholics.

 Nonetheless, it started out nice & peaceful -very Christmas-y music . However, around halfway through the service I noticed a lady standing in back of me pacing & then she was kind of wandering around almost like a tourist looking at the walls maybe taking pictures I wasn't sure, & apparently not interested in being here for the service. This is usually frowned upon during a worship service. So I looked back and kind of gave her a hard stare to tell her that she was being bothersome. She apparently didn't care if she was being bothersome,  but she did disappear for a while. 

Then, near the end of the service she reappeared and stood closely behind me. I noticed a few others looking back at her as well as if wondering what she was doing. Stanford students aren't used to being watched by a security guard- you don't get into Stanford by being a bad boy or girl. And you don't need a babysitter. Anyways, I decided to leave a few seconds early because of her creepy presence (yes, some females can be creepy too sometimes) plus I had to get somewhere. 

So I went out the side door & she followed me. At this point, I'm like what the heck is going on? This is turning into harassment. Apparently she didn't even know what was behind the door that I went out, so I don't know what she's doing- like she's pretending to be a security guard or what's going on?! she obviously doesn't know the way things we work around Stanford. Police & security here are usually very low key and cool, NOT suspicious of everybody. 

I think she was kind of African-American, or dark skinned,  but it wasn't obvious exactly her race or ethnicity. She watched me go out the door and looked outside as if she had never seen this side of the church before. So either she was an imposter, or they assigned her to be some kind of attendant even though it was her first time there, which isn't very wise- if she doesn't even know the layout of the church,  & so everything seems suspicious to her. 

There's also a restroom in this hallway . which  would be another practical reason to go through this door & happens periodically during church services. Needless to say,  if this happens again I will make a complaint about her & whoever assigned her to do this, if such is the case.  If you just grab people and ask them to be an attendant or "play security" you need to have give them a little training first, & make sure they have practical skills as well as people skills, and aren't suspicious of everything that moves, or hopefully not just because I'm white at a black-led service. Can you imagine a white person doing this towards a black person? 

Furthermore, my family are big donors to Stanford and they will not be happy to hear about this. None of us here  need to be watched or observed or monitored. I am a very good person & a  good citizen & apparently I've been coming here much longer than this lady who appeared to be here for the first time. And suddenly she's a security guard,  or a wannabee?   That's not the way it works around the Stanford I know. Never has, never will. And at a Christmas service of all things. Good grief. Shame on you 👎.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Poke House - Palo Alto 

They didn't even say thank you when I picked up the order 👎. Just because I'm a delivery person and not the actual customer doesn't mean I don't like to be appreciated. I said Thank you to them, but I didn't get any love back . Being a waitress doesn't make you a hero , but you still like to get tips and you still like to be thanked. Likewise. As the most famous person in the world once said, "Do unto others ..." 💜✝️

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

SHAME ON Walgreens Manager at 2605 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306 

This place turned into a fiasco for me 🙁👎. I was visiting for a few weeks , attending events at nearby Stanford campus, and I started getting a check engine light (CEL) for my Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF). SO I went to eBay to search for the part, and found one.

 But before I ordered it, I called this FedEx/ Walgreens & asked if i could have it delivered there for me. The young fellow said "Sure, no problem". So I went ahead and ordered it . The next day I notice the seller switched from FedEx to UPS ( & still later UPS handed it off to USPS).

 Meanwhile I called back to Walgreens & this time a lady answered (turns out she's the manager named Madeline) & asked if they would accept the package 📦 from USPS and if I could still pick it up. Her loud emotional response left me in a state of inner turmoil. I was stunned & shocked by her demeanor.

 First, she raised her voice and said "You sent a package to MY ADDRESS⁉️" as if it was her personal home address (I'm pretty sure she doesn't own the store nor lives there). 

So already I was already alarmed at her sense of excessive entitlement just because she's the manager. Then she screeched "That's illegal. It's illegal" blah blah . I told her that one of the store employees had given me the okay. She screeched again "He misinformed you". Everything she said was spoken on a tone as if this was a 911 emergency. I finally just hung up, it was so upsetting and out-of-control on her part. So I tried to stop shipping but the eBay seller said it was too late. 

The item was eventually delivered to the Walgreens but I didn't even try to go pick it up. I didn't want to go anywhere near this place after the conversation with Madeline. I sent a complaint to Walgreens corporate and told them no matter how much she thinks this is her store, she still has a Legal Obligation to "Return to Sender" .

 Eventually the package 📦 apparently was returned to sender but without the requisite "return label" eBay provides in such cases. It will probably get back to the seller eventually but they weren't sounding very promising that I would get a refund without the refund return label. 

The only good thing to come from all of this is that eBay stood up and said that given the circumstances, they would refund me OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET. 
Thank you eBay 👍. 

Shame on Madeline most of all 👎.
 Your behavior and tone was unacceptable. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

re SNARKY high school dropout clerks who call you "BOSS"

SNARKY high school 
dropout clerks
who  call
 you "BOSS" in a
 PSEUDO- respectful
 manner BE FIRED ⁉️
(PSEUDO- means fake, insincere NOT truly respectful)

Don't call me boss

Do you like it when 
SNARKY high school 
dropout clerks call
 you "BOSS" in a
 pseudo- respectful
 manner ⁉️

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Pizzeria Delfina - Palo Alto

The white kid at the front counter is a little cocky. He said the words "Have a nice day" but it sounded artificial. Maybe a little supercilious. Dude, you sell pizza 🍕. You're NOT a Stanford ⭐. Even Stanford stars aren't cocky like that. In fact, Stanford students are some of the coolest 😎👍, and smartest. You're not there yet. You can redeem yourself. Tone it down. Smile a little 🙂. Be genuine, as if you REALLY CARE that we have a nice day . 

Friday, December 1, 2023

BioLife Roseville CA 👎☹️

This actually happened 
a year ago in 2022: 
A young lady did a BAD JAB and caused clotting so they couldn't return my blood, so I get "deferred" for 8 weeks. THEY'RE FAULT. MY LOSS 👎.  And they DON'T give you any extra💲compensation. "Ryan" DIDN'T appear to feel bad about this fact. It's not until you experience something like this that you realize how much it is primarily devoted to being a MONEY-MAKING MACHINE. Not about people,but 💰 (at this location) 

 PLUS they give you BLANK FACE SORRY (NOT SORRY) stares .And they come out with a WALL of people to STARE you down like they have an "angry white male" ( I'm not male. I'm non-binary).  And they speak in a monotone voice like they're talking to "just another stupid white male". Didn't I say I'm NON-BINARY⁉️.

Then the "supervisor" from India tells you it's FDA regulations that you must wait 30 minutes (even though last time this happened the nurse simply asked if I was feeling ok.and let me go) . They say it's a "new regulation" but can't tell you when it became a new regulation. 

And they speak DOWN to you in condescending manner, like you're just another stupid pin 📌 cushion, when you express a little frustration. Needless to say , NOT a professional environment 👎 NOR  caring . 

 The other 2 Sacramento locations are actually better and more experienced. I would recommend AGAINST coming to this location. 

Also, this is an ULTRA so-called "liberal  progressive"location 👎 so if you're more of a traditional type of person you may feel a little uncomfortable, or should I say they will try to make you feel uncomfortable. And don't rule out the possiblity an INTENTIONAL bad jab .

 These progressives are the ACTUAL HATERS of traditional people. SO sad they have so much anger inside themselves. BUT please don't take your anger out on me because I'm a traditional old person. I came here with no preconceptions or biases against anybody. NOT looking for trouble. Just trying to make some extra money for Christmas 🎁 gifts for the kids. 

By the way, are these "nurses" real nurses? Are they actual registered nurses ?  

Finally, I know there's some good people working here and I respect and appreciate you . Don't let the bad ones drown you out. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Check out this review of Menlo Park Hardware on Google Maps

If the young Latino cashier won't walk 50- feet to my car with me so I can check if it's the right size wrench 🔧 to buy, what's the point of coming to the local ace hardware ⁉️I can go to any big box store if I want NO HELPFUL SERVICE 😡👎 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Menlo Park Hardware 

So I pulled in here I just needed one little wrench to remove the negative battery cable for a moment as I'm traveling. normally I could pull into any Ace hardware across the United States at least back in the good old days and tell them the problem, and they gladly help. However, the person behind the desk was a Latino teenager or young adult and I told him "I don't know for sure what size I need to loosen the battery cable. Can I take this out to my car and check the size and if it works I'll come back and purchase it?" I even offered to leave my driver's license as collateral. He responded glibly "Unfortunately I cannot do that " as if I was some sort of scam artist trying to get a free wrench. So I'm thinking I went up to the wrong cashier. Normally at many Ace hardwares you can find a good old boy who would say "sure no problem", or at least walk out to the car with you. I think those good old boys are here but I just picked the wrong cashier. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

re Cecil H Green Library, Stanford 

I've been to several functions here previously with no problem. However on 10/25/23 I arrived near noon for the "Silicon Valley Talks: Chris Clay, "Unstoppable" presentation in Hohbach Hall. Entering the Green Library I was expecting to go thru the check-in and respectfully told the dude at the entrance my purpose but he insisted I register "using a DL or passport ''.

 I don't normally carry my physical license on me anymore , let alone my passport. But I do have an ONLINE COPY which even police will accept these days. It's on my phone- perfect focus etc. 
Front & back. Passport too.

 But the dude refused to accept it. He insisted I go back to my car and get a physical copy. Since I parked on El Camino to avoid a parking ticket & save a few dollars ( NOT all of us are independently wealthy, & Do have a budget) , this would entail a 20-minute walk to my car & a 20-minute walk back. The presentation is only an hour usually.

 I was quite upset that this fellow was being so stubborn about demanding a physical 🆔. I wonder if this is even actual policy or did he just make a knee-Jerk negative response & then double down on it⁉️ I told him this "isn't the Stanford way" and I'm  a big Stanford supporter in terms of attendance.

 I should have asked to speak with a supervisor rather than trying to hope for common sense from this bossy student worker 👎 (btw, most student workers I've encountered here are great 👍. This one seemed to have a bias against me👎).  

If a super sees this, please rectify this so it doesn't happen again. Virtual identification is just as valid as a physical , even preferred in some places these days . 

Joy Lender

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Arrogance at St. Thomas Aquinas Church ,Palo Alto 👎 

It's 10/22/23 & the priest still wears a mask ⁉️ that's too superstitious for me. Then the Asian- American guy comes down in the middle of homily counting HOW MANY BODIES are in the pew, pausing deliberately & arrogantly with his little pencil and paper 📜. He could easily count every single person just standing from the back. & He looks like a supremacist . 

Now the priest is making a political homily saying a country shouldn't try to have revenge against their enemies . Obvious anti-israel message. Self-defense is NOT revenge.

 Unfortunately the far- lefty or just simply low-information congregation sits there passively as I walk out shaking my head. This church seems to have gone ROGUE- maybe the diocese Bishop needs to step in and take a look. Shake things up a little bit. It's bad. Really bad 👎. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Prayers 🙏 for ( vexatious lady, on left)

BioLife Plasma Services, Stockton CA 

Sometimes great but this time some angry white lady at the front desk jumped all over me. I won't say for what because she'll try to get me removed but she misjudged it. I was right. She was wrong 👎. I know her type. Beware ⚠️🚫. Then the next gal got a bit ridiculous making me take my hat off and a plastic bag out of my pocket for weighing me. If they are just trying to test how bossy they can be here, I will drive the extra miles to Sacramento..

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park CA

Church of the Nativity
(650) 323-7914 

Good but like most Catholic churches, there's always a few "stiff corpses" sitting on the same seat every single day, day after day, year after year, never allowing a fresh influx of the Spirit to flow 🕊️. The resident corpse here sits in the back of course so he can see everybody and everything and seems to have a sense of superiority. Such that I won't go in if he's there 👎. And there's nothing anybody can do: he's perfect, at least on the outside. He arrives in time, makes no noise, does all the appropriate body motions etc. But what about inside? What will Jesus say ⁉️ what about pride ? What about evangelism outside the church walls? What about legalistic ritualism ? What about a " white washed wall" ? 

Corpus Christi Monastery, Menlo Park CA 

It's good but there's one "heavyweight" wearing a full suit (the same suit) and always arrives late and never takes the Eucharist/host/communion. He clearly has an agenda but is it in accord with the communion and body of Christ⁉️How long do you give a perpetual visitor/observer to "come around" ⁉️Is he trying to dominate us? Assert superiority? I'm wondering if he comes from a different religion and is just using the monastery for self -serving purposes? Anyways, when he comes in, I go out. I'll be back in a year to see if he's still doing his daily ritual at the monastery. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

re 99 Cents Only Stores, Mira Mesa CA 

I am a prominent person with significant education, but I also am a compassionate person who has a ministry ✝️ to help others. 

Occasionally I will shop here for a local elderly person from our church. Although I offer to pay for her, she insists I use her EBT card to pay. This is totally legitimate and legal.

 However, when the cashier notices I am using an EBT card, her demeanor towards me changes. Apparently she seems to think I myself am the recipient of social services, as if I am a lower class citizen. In fact, I am a well-employed hard-working educated individual. 

Could management please instruct cashiers Not To Make Assumptions and GENERALIZATIONS re persons using EBT cards ? 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

@ Newport Beach Public Library

I found a guy's wallet in the downstairs computer lab and saw the name inside, so I looked it up online and he turned out to be a UCI employee. I found an email to contact him & told him to come and get it or else I will bring it to the desk. He came within an hour to get his wallet but he Didn't Even Say Thanks or show any appreciation to me. 

Even worse he treated me like I was the Bad Guy For Contacting Him to help him get his wallet back which included money in it. I wasn't expecting a reward but a Genuine Thanks would have been nice. GO FIGURE THAT. How many people would try to contact him to
 help him get it back ⁉️ 

Monday, September 18, 2023

re Ralphs, Irvine CA on Alton

Thanks for spying on me while I was shopping 🛒 after church at St Neumann ⛪.

 I know you want people to CONFORM to your local expectations but I'm NOT from here and KNOW MUCH MORE about our country and world than any of you small- minded workers at Ralph's who have lived in Irvine all your lives. take a risk and experience the real world 🌎.

And even if I don't fit in to your expectations for local customs, it doesn't mean I am a shoplifter. I can assure you I am NOT A SHOPLIFTER

And I shop for specific items using IBOTTA which offers cash back on certain items. That's why I bounce around the store NOT like a local housewife shopping for the husband and 2 kids. 

Try to remember: if something doesn't comply to your local expectations and customs it doesn't make it illegal or wrong. Sometimes it's just unique. And sometimes it's also BETTER.