Sunday, September 15, 2024

Re St Ignatius Church, San Francisco 

I am wondering if they should discontinue asking the people "What else should we pray for?" at daily Mass given it seems like the radical lefties have discovered it's their opportunity to POLITICIZE to everybody. For example, recently a guy said "Pray for the Haitians to not be persecuted" .

 This is shortly after the national media controversy about Haitian immigrants allegedly eating people's pets in a small town in Ohio ( as well as local ducks & Canadian geese) . The lefties want to say this is a myth but it doesn't take much research to find out there's some actual truth to it. 

For a lefty parishioner to make this into a prayer request is political propaganda. What about the people who are losing their pets? And seeing their way of life being degraded by excessive uncontrolled immigration not out of actual concern for immigrants but with hopes of skewing the election⁉️

 Furthermore, in general the Bible promotes obeying the laws & local authority & we should be helping the Haitians become properly integrated into American society by learning American customs & laws, not by excusing their irregular behavior & marginalizing the people who live here. Shame on this parishioner for using prayer time for his lefty political agenda. πŸ‘Ž☹️